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Consuming and distribution of diverse content in multiple devices

Share and monitor the interactive consumption of documents, publications, videos, multimedia compositions, games and immersive experiences in augmented, virtual and mixed reality, via web environments and apps with your brand. You can have a multipurpose focus on various subjects, like marketing, sales, entertainment, qualifications, security etc.

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Provide enriched sensorial stimulation experiences optimized for on-line and off-line modes with the RDP App customized with your brand identity and functional needs. And, of course, in different devices that considers the market’s main operational systems, like TVs, desktops, smartphones, tablets, VR and mixed reality headsets.


Each component set and RPD Platform resource can provide a different experience, unique to a specific public and to the goals of each project. That is why Digital Pages’s solutions embody mechanisms that capture all occurred interactions to allow the consolidation of the necessary relevant information to the detailed understanding about the user’s profiles and the effectiveness of the conveyed content.


The RDP Analytics, therefore, substantiate a management by data of different aspects of a project, and provide the business intelligence needed for more dynamic and assertive decision making, at all layers. It also allows report generation and personalized dashboards aligned with the monitoring needs and managerial and operational visibility of metrics and KPIs for all the different audiences involved.


Besides all that, it has artificial intelligence for pattern recognition and generates personalized recommendations during the user’s journeys through the apps.

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